My top 10 Alte Albums and Extendend Plays

(10) Everything You Heard Is True

Odunsi (The Engine)

Everything You Heard Is Tru

Very short but ultimately enjoyable EP by Odunsi (The Engine). It's fine and I enjoy it. It could have been higher if the tracks were more fully developed, but even so, it's still a cool and enjoyable piece of music.

(9) MaseWorld



My preferred Altétrap-esc vibe is Maseworld. Finding hidden gems like this amid the sea of Alté records is always a treat because not many Alté musicians produce this style of music. The album is good, and listening to it was enjoyable in general.

(8) Enjoy your life

Lady Donli

Enjoy your life

Enjoy your life was the gem that introduced me to Lady Donli and I will always love this album. It was a brand-new and exciting experience when I first heard it. I make an effort to save the record and play it a few times within a month in order to preserve its charm. It's a classic and is a lot of fun.

(7) Subaru Boys: Final Heaven

Cruel Santino

Subaru Boys

I know this may sound controversial because so many people like to criticise this album, but I'm going to say it anyhow: Subaru Boys is at least an 8/10. You heard me! Go and cry now! (lmao) In all seriousness, the album sounded strange to me at first, but Santi managed to work his magic and it has since been my go-to music. His work is always engaging and fun even if it isn't lyrically inclined. While some would argue that it isn't on the same level as Santi's other works, this is still up there and is certainly entertaining to listen to.

(6) The Palmwine Express

Show Dem Camp

The Palmwine Express

The Palmwine Express is comprehensive and has has a slew of features that distinguishes it as one of the finest albums in the Alté scene. Each track has a distinct feel from the others, yet it is still cohesive and doesn't feel out of place, making for a wonderful listening experience. From the beats to the bars, everything blends together. The Palmwine Express is the absolute ideal.

(5) If Orange Was A Place


If Orange Was A Place

Tems has a calming, resonant voice. And If Orange Was A Place took that to a new level by turbocharging it. I adore this album because it is laid-back and tranquil. IOWAP is just what I need when I want to listen to something soothing and peaceful.

(4) The Angel you don't know


The Angle you don't know

The Angel You Don't Know is the album I never knew I wanted until I listened to it. It's just Amaarae doing her usual cool and badass stuff, but one hundred times more awesome and badass. It's simply enjoyable and fun. She has a Cruel Santino feature on this record, so of course the features are excellent, the cadence is perfect, sound is sublime; you get the drift. Amaarae doing Amaarae things.

(3) The Thrill


The Thrill

Simply put, this EP is a masterclass. Every song is a hit, no joke. Peak vibe on this record. It seemed like a masterpiece when I first listened to it, and it still does today. Benjiflow cemented his status as a superstar to watch out for with this EP. Nothing I could ever say could possibly do this EP enough credit. I love each and every song on this EP. I now make it a habit to listen to at least one song each day, and I've never found it to be monotonous. Nothing compares to the best Alte EP.

(2) rare.

Odunsi (The Engine)


In all honesty, Mandy & the Jungle and this album are tied for the top spot. The record is a top-notch piece of work with a phenomenal vibe. When I'm in the mood for Afrobeat music, this is my go-to album. It's arguable that this album, Odunsi's best to date, has aged nicely. From "Star Sign" to "Alte Cruise", every song is a hit. If Santi hadn't been my favorite Alte artist, this album most likely would have been in first place. If you like Afrobeats then you'll definitely (I'm confident you will) enjoy this album.

(1) Mandi & The Jungle

Cruel Santino


Experimentation at it's finest. Santi does not fail to impress on any level with this album, which hits on a completely new level. This album was incredibly innovative for its day. Even today, it still has a unique and fresh sound. Since listening to it is unlike anything else, I always return to it at least once a month. Overall, this is a good album, and in my humble opinion, Santi's best work.